Our Aims
- Represent members as the unified voice of the sporting goods industry
- Provide links for members to work with Government Partners, National Associations and Governing Bodies (Sport England, CSPN, SRA, YST)
- Lobby UK and European Government
- Assist with the development of industry specifications
- Work closely with UKTI to access funding for export opportunities
- Hold industry seminars, think tanks and member networking events
- The Voice of the UK Sporting Goods Industry
- Represents a significant share of the UK sporting goods industry
- Lobby UK Government and works closely with FESI to Lobby EU on issues affecting the industry and SGIA members
- Close liaison with Government Departments, Partners and relevant Sports Bodies: Sport England, SRA, YST, CSPN
- Assists with the creation of British and European Standards
- Champion’s best practice
- Operates a Code of Practice
- Impacts on industry policy information and assists with the development of industry specifications
- Provides excellent networking opportunities through industry seminars, “Think Tanks” and member networking events
- Promotes the positive aspects of sport through combined marketing
- Actively source grants for Innovation and Research & Development opportunities
- Commissions detailed national and international research on the sporting goods market.